Acne, i love you.

One of these could be my christmas present for myself. Which one do you think ? They all cost around 1700 SEK, except for the blouse at 2200 SEK. I know it's a lot, but sometimes a girl just needs to feel beautiful in something expensive.

A cardigan is always a good choice that is really wearable.

The blouse is just so pretty. Pretty please !

I find the back on this really interesting. I want it in black, but the photo of this one shows off the back a lot better.
So which one of these lovely Acne beauties do you think I should go for ? The blouse has open shoulder which I am a bit skeptical about. But the one without is a lot shorter... I'm leaning towards the last. An interesting basic item, that could be teamed with a lot of nice stuff. But black ? It's just easiest.


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