Oh this country is funny

So it started snowing on friday and it hasn't really stopped since. Or well it has, but it keeps snowing on and off every day. And it amazes me how unprepared this country is for snow. Was at Glasgow uni on monday and was getting a ride from there to work by Dino. Spent half an hour trying to get her car out from the tiniest parking space in the world. When we finally managed to get it out of the space, the road was to icy and we were trying to go uphill. Not a very good combination. But this nice man came out from one of the houses with a big shuffle so me manage to get on the street but never up. So it was just to reverse all the way down.

No one has winter tires. And the fact that the whole of UK ran out of salt and grit last year, makes them really scared to start salting and gritting the streets. So everyone really struggles to get anywhere. It took Sue half an hour to get from our bus stop to the next one on the bus. There, the bus broke down and the buses after that were all full so she had to walk into uni.
In my American politics class they've given us a week extension for our essays because apparently a lot of people can't get in to uni and the library... Seriously, it's not even that much snow.
Amazing, isn't it ?!

Postat av: Amina

I find this so funny. The brittish do have a thing or two to learn about winter-weather.... In London there is barely any snow on the ground, still most of the airports are closed.

Visst, flygplatser stänger hemma också. Men lite mer ska dem väl kunna tåla va?

2010-12-03 @ 17:36:56
URL: http://simplyamina.blogsport.com

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