Snowed in, really ?!

My plan for the day was to go into uni quite early. Have a lot of assignments due this week so all time I can get. We were also suppose to meet with our group today. But guess what happened ? The snow came and it came down bad. Sue left the flat before me and when I got down to the bus stop, realizing that the traffic was pretty much jammed she sent me txt. Apparently, our uni had sent out an email saying that all staff and students ON campus were to stay put and the staff and students still at home were advised to not leave the house. For some snow. So I've went back home and I've spent the day in our livingroom with Dino and then Sue as well, studying, having a banter.

Chaos, utterly chaos. It took Sue almost two hours on the bus into uni, a trip that normally take about 20-30 min. And when the poor thing arrived, all classes were closed and the library closed at 4 instead of 9. So she went to a café to wait there before her shift at work at 5. But all the cafés were closed. So she went to work, but the restaurant were she works was closing as well. So she decided to go x-mas shopping. But all the shops in town were closed as well. And when she was going to take the bus home, there were no buses. So she walked, in the snow, for 2 (!) to get home.
As I said. Chaos. For a bit of snow. I'm scared that I won't be able to get home. Only two weeks now Sweden, only two weeks !



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