when the look of the weather is deceiving you,

Really thought it wasn't that cold this morning. God, was I a fool. I only put on a cardigan and a scarf because that's really all you've needed. But no, today is was freezing cold and I didn't really have time or the energy to run up and get a jacket. And off course this is the day when there is an unnotified fire drill. So I had to stand in the cold outside one of the uni buildings and wait for everyone to get out and then be told it's just to get back inside. Freezing and it was one of the biggest buildning, or at least highest and with people waking down from the 9th floor, it takes a while.

Just preparing for a debate about medical marijuana in California and if it is a state och federal matter.

And still no internet in the flat, and me who really wanted to watch Paradise Hotel. I think i might cry.


Ps. Katja and Rich arrives on sunday, OH HAPPY DAY !
Ps2. Louise arrives on the 27th, OH HAPPY DAY !!


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