What I don't miss about Sweden

I came to think of this today. Or actually it has crossed my mind before, but today I feel a bit of resentment towards Sweden. It's all about this stupid concept of jante-lagen. To never be aloud to be better than anyone else. You are, of course, suppose to be good enough. But not to good. With anything. Basically in Sweden, that means you can't stand out. Or you can but you will stand out for a lot less then other places, and you will definetely be the talk of the week. It bugs me, even with clothes it's the same. Since my move back to Glasgow I feel a lot more comfortable and less worried about what people might think. Everyones style here is a bit bonkers so first of all you don't stand out as much as you would have in Sweden. Also, I don't really care what people think. Does that mean I've grown up ?

Or does it just mean that I actually don't recent Sweden, I recent my own reaction, worrying what other people might think ? My god, I'm shallow.


Obsession, obsession, obsession. Can I ?

It's just so darn beautiful. Can I ? Should I ? I love it... find at topshop.co.uk

Love is a letter sent a thousand times

I've been bringing my own music to work. They've basically been playing the same music since I left over ayear ago and I can't stand another second of Nathalie Imbruglia. So I made a work playlist on my iPod so I just plug in that one when I start my shift. After trying to make that list I have a great respect for Djs. You never really realize how much work is put into what they do. And how much crap they have to put up with from club guest. Anyways, I managed to sneak in some swedish tunes, Oskar Linnros, Hakan Hellstrom och Veronica Maggio among other. It's nice and it's also rather satisfying being the only one knowing what they are singing. I guess if a swedish guest arrives during one of those songs it would be a fun suprise as well.

Now, back to uni work. Miss you much !


when the music makes you laugh

Robyn's new version of the song Indestructible makes me want to keep dancing for ever. I'm really hoping she going to give Glasgow a visit, hopefully soon.

The grey ground lays before us like a puddle of nothing

The last couple of days here in Glasgow has been freezing. But I think I'm becoming more and more like a scot. Because if it was this cold in Sweden I would have got my winter coat out days ago and put a hat on. But seeing as no one else here is really that warmly dressed I tend to not be either. Which is stupid, I know. But I just can't seem to put enough on. It always looks warmer than it is as well. But yesterday I actually watched the news to see what weather might come ahead. And today showed a rather nice, warm today. While tomorrow is going to wet, wet, wet. Just like Glasgow then. So today I put my parkas on to try and enjoy what's left of autumn. When the glaswegian people start talking about winter, it is quite close.

Btw, they're started to put up the christmas lights in George Square. Don't know if I should think it's sad or if I just should love the fact that it soon will be winter. And oh, 2 months minus 1 day till I get back to Sweden.


It's an 8p tip

When Katja and Rich was here on sunday we went for dinner at this nice restaurant at Ashton Lane, one of my favorite places in the west end. Just a little street of Byres road that you wont really know is there is you don't already do. Anyway, the dinner was lovely. Me and Katja order the same thing, slow roast pork loin and Rich order the haggis, nippies n' tatties (potatoes for you who didn't know). But when the food arrived they've mixed my order up so I got a nice lamb stew. Which was totally fine, couldn't really be arsed waiting yet again for the right dish. But the guy was really sorry and completely scrapped my food of the bill. At the end Rich offered to pay, that nice man, so I let him pay for my glas of wine.

But here's the fun part of the story. Rich was paying by card and a waiter, not the one we had earlier, came up to the table with the card machine. I guess he had a quite bad accent so Rich couldn't really hear him. So the guy put down the card machine and Rich started to put in his pin. By this time the guy had said something about the tip so Rich looked up and the guy took back the card machine.
- So this is your tip ?
- Uhh ? Yes, or what ?
Yet again, guess things got lost in translation and the waiter laughed and put it through the machine, asked Rich to enter his pin and then gave hime the receipt. Guess Rich was not very happy with their service and only payed them 8 pence in tip. We did realize our, or his, misstake and left some coins on the table.

But from now on, it's an 8p tip.


i'm just so tired

I hate when you wake up at say 5 am and you don't have to get out of bed before at least 8. I finally managed to get back to sleep but when I woke up I heard Sue go into the shower and just when she was done Deborah jumped in after her. Rather annoying when all of us basically need to shower at the same time in the morning. For me it meant a couple of more minutes in bed, but then I had to skip washing my hair and rush to the bus. Well, at least I got a wee lie in.

Trying to get some work done at the libraru just now but I'm dead hungry and my PC is in a bad place for sneaking up a sandiwsh in the forbidden library. So I think i'll have to pretend that I need to read for while and go to a more discreet area of the library.

So back to my sandwish and then study study study. How fun and exciting !


the joy of swedish Marabou milk chocolate

So what has happened for the last few days ? Spent saturday working all day and then got back to the flat. My wee flatmate Dino was sitting on our front steps waiting for me. She accidentely locked her keys, phone, life including her car keys. In her car. So she's not really been able to contact any of us for anything. But atleast she knew I was coming home at some point. So we spent the night watching X-factor, my new obsession when I'm not able to watch Idol.

Then on sunday afternoon I went into town to meet Katja and Rich who stopped by in Glasgow for 1 night on their way back from a wedding in Lake district to Sweden. They brought me swedish chocolate. I've eaten more than half of it, such great pleasure in such a wee thing. Then we spent the afternoon walking aroung in the west end, having drinks and pints and food at places we passed on the way. Great fun ! Finally managed to go to Hillhead bookclub, a really cooln bar in the west end. Got some nice photos but I'll show them to you another day, don't have the cable to do it just now.

So, now back to work again. Ken needs me.


We like the way it goes

Had a nice night in last night. Sue cooked dinner for us, mached potatoes, fried chicken and corn on the cob this time, so no over seasoned curry this time. We watch tv and talked, just like rough day should end. I'm dead tired now tho, just got in to work for a day shift and then back home to study. Have to get some work done so I can spend the day tomorrow with Katja and Rich. Super excited !

Now, work work work.


so rough my lips hurt

A wild night last night which is why the result today is rough rough rough. But even tho I didn't get to bed untill 4 am, I still managed to get up at 8 and get ready for uni. Even I'm impressed with myself. But yes, me and Sue decided to cook ourselfs a nice curry last night. Spent over an hour doing so but it ended up being way way way to spicy to even try to eat so we bought pizza instead. At 10 pm we suddenly got into our heads that we were going out. Which we did. Met up with the boys at ABC and had a crazy one.

I'm just too rough to type. Talk to you soon, need to try to study for a bit.


i do like presents

This is not at all a hint to my mama, but the new Sofi Fahrman book is coming out next week, Elsas värld and Håkan Hellströms new album Två steg till paradise is about to be released. So if anyone is in a giving mood I do like presents and a care package from Sweden with candy and above would be kinda of nice...

Like the slow song that never ends

Back again at the coffee shop across the round. They know me and all there is to know about me by now, I guess. But not how I like my coffee, I'm starting to get picky again. But seriously, the machine latte you get for 1.29 at Subway is better than this, most of the times at least.
Had plans for a night out yesterday but we ended up staying in, watching Rude Tube animal special, laughing our asses off. I guess beer does that to you... But dinner tonight, and Sues special man friend is bringing his family's dog on friday, making my weekend. I miss Gus (my brother's dog) ! And as always, my nose in the book the Logic of American politics. I'm not sure how much wiser I am but it's really interesting.
Love you, miss you, longing for 20th of december.


camel and cigarettes

My mum has told me I really need to stop smoking. I went half way and told her I would cut down. And I much say it's going rather well. I've started to make rollies as well. Cheaper and they're smaller so even if i do have like 5 a day it still is a lot less than if I would have had 5 normal ones. I'm absolutely shite with rolling them but I'm starting to get a hang of it. But tonight me and Sue are going out to the Arches do shake our asses and then I just can't be bothered with rolling so I might buy normal fags. We'll see.

But improvement is half way there. Dead sad that I'm missing Gossip Girl tonight, guess I'll spend my day at the internet cafe tomorrow, iTV2 on demand !


when the look of the weather is deceiving you,

Really thought it wasn't that cold this morning. God, was I a fool. I only put on a cardigan and a scarf because that's really all you've needed. But no, today is was freezing cold and I didn't really have time or the energy to run up and get a jacket. And off course this is the day when there is an unnotified fire drill. So I had to stand in the cold outside one of the uni buildings and wait for everyone to get out and then be told it's just to get back inside. Freezing and it was one of the biggest buildning, or at least highest and with people waking down from the 9th floor, it takes a while.

Just preparing for a debate about medical marijuana in California and if it is a state och federal matter.

And still no internet in the flat, and me who really wanted to watch Paradise Hotel. I think i might cry.


Ps. Katja and Rich arrives on sunday, OH HAPPY DAY !
Ps2. Louise arrives on the 27th, OH HAPPY DAY !!

the long lost weekend of nothing and everything

Even tho I had a quiet weekend it was a really nice one. Spent saturday night with my flatmate Dino, watching X-factor and then went to bed early. I took over a booth at the coffee shop again yesterday so I got some uni work done. Then me, Sue and Dino watch the voting off show of X-factor and then the Breakfast club. This morning I was suppose to stop by the iCafe shop where I live to train the girl there on coffee, but she was busy so I'm back at uni, doing some more reading. Or well, I'm about to start reading just now. Not much gossip or news accept that.

And oh, I'm coming home on the 20th of december, so be prepared.


when you don't have enough friends

Guess it's me who doesn't have enough friends. This weekend I would see it as a positive thing tho, because I have quiet a lot of uni work. One of my tutorials on tuesday is a debate over the rights of the citizens of California to legalize the use of medical marijuana and if state law should supersede federal law or not. My team is debating for state law to supersede federal law so I'm trying to read some articles to get some good arguments. Still no internet in the flat, SKY truly are bitches, and I couldn't be bothered with going in to uni so I've taken over a both at the coffee shop round the corner from the flat and have spent the last three hours here. My battery is good for another hour, after that I'm heading home to do some more reading and then spending a night in front of the tv to watch the first voting show of X-factor.
Not lonely at all, no.

when your phonebook don't have enough friends

Got one of those chain texts sent my way the other day. You know, a text, email, letter, what ever, that state that you have to send this through if you, in this case, don't want to be single for the next 4 years. The thing was that this was suppose to be sent to 15 friends. 15 ! And i received it from 2 so I didn't really have that many left. Ok, 6 if you must ask. So sad, isn't ? And, I'm spending this weekend alone because my flatmates are away, my workmates are working and Layla was to skint to come through. I think I might bake a cake and sit for my self and watch a lot of films. Or read a book perhaps ?! Oh, that's my plan for the afternoon, to get a book. I also need to study but we can take that another time.

Got to go, XOXO

The library full of guards

The university library is really well protected. You need to swipe your student card to get, no other than students or staff are allowed in. You're not allowed to bring in food or drinks, the only thing you can have is a pain bottle of water. Something I didn't know so I arrived with i brand new big coffee, but the security guy by the entrance was nice. He told me because he knew I've paid good money for the coffee he would oversee it but I had to hide from the people walking around in the library. I thought he was kidding, but there is actually people walking around, confiscating all items not allowed. I always brings a sandwich with me so I have to sneak it under my scarf... Really.

Need to discard my evidence. Talk to you soon !

A pounding head sore so sore

I hate having headaches. It doesn't happen that often so that might be the reason why I so shite at handling them. Anyways, the day started out great with a nice lie in and a late breakfast. Went in to the uni gym with flatmate Sue, it's free this week so I was going to see if I might enjoy it. Which I did so I'm definetely joining. But then my head started to get really sore and it didn't really get better when I spent the next three following hours reading of computer screen. I'm at work just now, doing a shift tonight but as it is now I'm not really looking forward to it.

Well, hope it passes soon.


long days and dark cloudy nights

Have had a really long day today first at uni, where I actually had four hour in between classes. Quiet annoying but I thought it was only three and that is just not enough to be able to go home, relax and then head back. Then, working all night and it's all a bit much just now. But I'm going to sit down tomorrow and plan my days so I get the most out of it. God, I sound like such a goodie two shoes, don't I ?

Internet in the flat from today aswell, yeayh !

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